July switching frenzy

July 2022 has been one of the highest ever months for retail energy switching in Australia

July switching frenzy
Photo by Ross Findon / Unsplash

It's been a crazy couple of months in the Australia energy markets, with a wholesale energy price crisis now well and truly rolling through the retail markets and driving up bill prices everywhere.

So its no surprise that energy consumers everywhere have been looking at their bills with renewed interest, looking for a better deal.

The official monthly numbers are now in from AEMO's monthly summary of retail market switching activity , and July 2022 has been a big month.

Monthly transfers, or switches, are well up for the month of July 2022

Once again, Victoria is the most prolific switching state, with the highest number of aggregate switches ever completed.

On an annualised  percentage churn basis, Victoria would see 35% of the entire market switch providers if this current monthly switch rate were maintained for a year, well above the other states.

Here's the detailed breakdown:

Annualised transfer rate 25% 18% 18% 35%
Transfers to date 9.8m 4.5m 2.8m 12.8m
Transfers in progress at month end 9,622 4,192 1,542 8,913
Transfers completed this month 78,999 33,986 13,692 88,115

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