Energy Coach - June

It's getting cold! Here are Energy Coach's seasonal tips for staying warm over the winter period ahead.

Energy Coach - June

As the winter chill sets in across Australia, June marks the beginning of increased energy consumption in many households. With shorter days and cooler temperatures, it's crucial to focus on energy efficiency to maintain comfort while keeping costs down. This article provides short-term and long-term strategies to help Australian homeowners and renters maximise their energy efficiency during this winter month.

Quick wins

Optimise your Heating Systems

  • Clean or replace filters in reverse cycle air conditioners and gas heaters to ensure they operate at peak efficiency.
  • Set thermostats between 18-20°C. Each degree higher can increase energy use by up to 10%.
  • Use zoning features if available, heating only occupied areas of the home.

Seal Draughts

  • Check for gaps around windows and doors using a candle or incense stick on a windy day.
  • Apply weatherstripping or door snakes to prevent cold air infiltration.
  • Use heavy curtains or blinds to create an extra insulation layer, especially at night.
Close the door on draughts
One of the quickest and easiest ways to improve the thermal efficiency of your home is to stop drafts from around your door

Maximize Natural Heat

  • Open your curtains and blinds during the day to let sunlight warm your home naturally.
  • Close them at sunset to retain the heat.
  • Consider using lighter-colored curtains in north-facing windows to reflect heat back into the room.
It’s Curtains for Cold
Curtains are more than cosmetic - they can minimise heat transfer through your windows, keeping your home more comfortable year round.

Efficient Water Heating

  • Lower the temperature of your water heater to 60°C if it's set higher.
  • Insulate hot water pipes to minimize heat loss.
  • Take shorter showers and use cold water for laundry when possible.
Hot Water Systems
Hot water is one of the most important household appliances. Here’s how to navigate the complexities of hot water systems, focusing on energy efficiency and safety.

Smart Appliance Use

  • Use the eco-mode on dishwashers and washing machines.
  • Air-dry clothes instead of using a dryer when weather permits.
  • Unplug electronics and appliances when not in use to avoid standby power consumption.
Appliances - Savings as a Service
Your appliances are the main things that consume energy in your home. We need them, and we love what they do for us, but we also need to tame them. Here’s our collection of top tips for how to run your appliances more efficiently, and what to look for when its time to buy a new one.

Layer Up

  • Encourage family members to wear warm clothing indoors to reduce reliance on heating.
  • Use extra blankets at night instead of keeping the heater running.

Cook Smart

  • Use lids on pots and pans to reduce cooking times and energy use.
  • Batch cook meals to maximize oven efficiency.
  • Consider using a slow cooker or pressure cooker for energy-efficient meal preparation.
Cooking in Advance and in Bulk: A Strategy for Energy Efficiency and Convenience
You can minimise your energy bills by cooking in advance and in bulk. It’s more efficient, and you’ll wind up eating better and wasting less food.

Slower, but effective strategies

Insulation Upgrades

  • Assess your home's insulation in the roof, walls, and floors.
  • Consider adding or upgrading insulation to meet current standards.
  • Pay special attention to the roof space, as up to 35% of a home's heat can be lost through an uninsulated ceiling.
Insulation is the single most important thing for minimising energy consumption in your home. Here’s everything you need to know.

Window Improvements

  • Install double-glazed windows or add secondary glazing to existing windows.
  • For a budget-friendly option, apply window insulation film to single-pane windows.
  • Consider installing awnings or external blinds to reduce heat gain in summer and heat loss in winter.
Energy-Efficient Windows: A Smart Investment for Long-term Savings
Although the initial investment for double-glazed or energy-efficient windows can be significant, the long-term savings and comfort is worth it.

Heating System Upgrade

  • If your heating system is over 10 years old, consider upgrading to a more energy-efficient model.
  • Look for reverse cycle air conditioners with high star ratings.
  • Consider hydronic heating systems for whole-home comfort and efficiency.

Solar Power Installation

  • Invest in a solar panel system to generate your own electricity.
  • While initial costs can be high, long-term savings and environmental benefits are significant.
  • Research government incentives and rebates available for solar installations.


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Smart Home Technology

  • Install a smart thermostat to optimize heating schedules and learn your household's patterns.
  • Use smart power strips to eliminate standby power consumption.
  • Consider smart lighting systems with motion sensors to ensure lights are only on when needed.
Smart Home Cooling Systems: Revolutionising Energy Efficiency
Smart home cooling systems offer precise control and improved efficiency. These systems not only cool homes more effectively but also adapt to user habits and preferences, leading to smarter energy use.

Hot Water System Upgrade

  • Replace older, inefficient hot water systems with heat pump or solar hot water systems.
  • These can significantly reduce energy consumption for water heating, which accounts for about 21% of household energy use.

Landscaping for Energy Efficiency

  • Plant deciduous trees on the northern side of your home to provide shade in summer and allow sunlight in winter.
  • Use dense shrubbery or trees on the southern side to act as a windbreak against cold winter winds.
Strategic Landscaping: Harnessing Nature for Home Energy Efficiency
Trees, shrubs, and other plants around your property can help naturally regulate your home’s temperature, reduce energy costs, and contribute positively to the environment

Ceiling Fan Installation

  • While primarily used for cooling, reversible ceiling fans can also help distribute warm air in winter.
  • Install energy-efficient models to circulate heated air from the ceiling down to living spaces.
Mastering Ceiling Fans: Balancing Comfort and Energy Savings
Ceiling fans are often overlooked when thinking about heating and cooling, but they shouldn’t be! Ceiling fans are cheap and effective tools to maximise energy efficiency in your home

Energy Audit

  • Consider hiring a professional energy auditor to assess your home's efficiency.
  • They can provide tailored recommendations for improvements specific to your property.
Home Energy Audits: A Comprehensive Guide
To make progress on home energy efficiency, you’ll need to do an energy audit. Here’s how.

Practical Advice for Implementation

Prioritize Actions

  • Start with no-cost and low-cost actions like adjusting behaviors and sealing drafts.
  • Plan for larger investments over time, focusing on those with the highest return on investment.

Track Energy Usage

  • Monitor your energy bills and usage patterns to identify areas for improvement.
  • Use energy monitoring devices or smart meter apps if available.

Educate Family Members

  • Involve all household members in energy-saving efforts.
  • Create a checklist of daily energy-saving habits to follow.

Take Advantage of Government Programs

  • Research federal and state government incentives for energy-efficient upgrades.
  • Look into programs like the Small-scale Renewable Energy Scheme (SRES) for solar installations.

Consider Professional Help

  • For major upgrades, consult with energy efficiency experts or certified contractors.
  • Ensure all installations and modifications comply with Australian standards and local regulations.

Maintenance is Key

  • Regularly maintain heating systems, appliances, and insulation to ensure continued efficiency.
  • Schedule annual check-ups for major systems like heating and hot water.

Stay Informed

  • Keep up-to-date with new energy-saving technologies and practices.
  • Attend local workshops or webinars on home energy efficiency.


Maximizing energy efficiency in Australian homes during June requires a combination of immediate actions and long-term planning. By implementing these strategies, households can significantly reduce their energy consumption and costs while maintaining comfort during the cooler months. Remember that every home is unique, so tailor these suggestions to your situation for the best results. With consistent effort and smart investments, you can create a more energy-efficient home that benefits both your wallet and the environment.

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