Energy Bill Relief Subsidy to Continue into FY 25-26?

ABC News reports that Labor government is setting up for an extension to the annual $300 Energy Bill Relief Fund.

The federal energy subsidy – which has given every household $300 for electricity bills over this financial year – i ass emerging a key issue for the upcoming federal election campaign, because millions of voters would receive a final $75 payment at the end of June if the government does not extend the $3.5 billion package.

Labor sets up energy bill relief in March budget for May election
Jim Chalmers is due to deliver a budget in weeks, with the government now readying for a May election. A key budget watcher says the treasurer is sitting on a $24 billion tax windfall.
A surprise revenue gain is giving Labor more options to help households in the federal budget to be delivered on March 25, creating room for a new round of energy bill relief before an election that will be held in May.
The cabinet decisions clear the way for another round of assistance, but the government is yet to decide whether the energy package will be the centrepiece of the budget or held for an announcement during the election campaign.

While any kind of relief on expenses is welcome news for Australian households, we still think this is a wasteful use of public funds, and despite the 'Energy Bill' naming convention, it does nothing to actually minimise energy bill prices.

There are much better ways this money could be spent.

Let Them Eat Rebates
Instead of spending $2.8bn to fundamentally improve retail energy dynamics through the electrification of Australian homes, we’re giving $3.5 bn of public money directly to energy retailers under the guise of consumer bill relief.

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