Energy Bill Relief Subsidy to Continue into FY 25-26?
ABC News reports that Labor government is setting up for an extension to the annual $300 Energy Bill Relief Fund.
Instead of spending $2.8bn to fundamentally improve retail energy dynamics through the electrification of Australian homes, we're giving $3.5 bn of public money directly to energy retailers under the guise of consumer bill relief.
It's here - we're in the middle of winter, and most of us are feeling the chill, as well as the pain of high energy bills. Here's our roundup of what you can do to shrink your bills while keeping your home's comfort levels high.
Zoned heating systems are a big investment, but can pay off over time, by keeping heating costs down while making sure your home stays comfortable.
Bill Hero is in the news about the rise of Demand Tariffs, but this story misses the main point that we're the *only* service that can calculate a comparison on a Demand Tariff bill
It's getting cold! Here are Energy Coach's seasonal tips for staying warm over the winter period ahead.
It's getting colder, and its time to get your home ready for winter energy efficiency.
Curtains are more than cosmetic - they can minimise heat transfer through your windows, keeping your home more comfortable year round.
Electrify Everything! Saul Griffith's Electricity Australia has released an ambitious plan to finance the energy transition for Australian households
The AEMC wants to accelerate a universal smart meter rollout, targeting completion of a universal smart meter deployment by 2030.
The cool-down is coming, and Energy Coach is here to to help you save through the cooler months ahead.
Energy Made Easy and Vic Energy Compare cannot calculate a Demand tariff comparison, so these services are next to useless for energy consumers on Demand tariff plans.
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