Richard Foxworthy

Richard Foxworthy

Richard is on a mission to help buyers buy better. He's one of the co-founders of Bill Hero.

150 articles (Page 12)
Savings as a Service - Issue #3

Savings as a Service - Issue #3

Some big news from the ACCC is that retail electricity bills have fallen to an 8-year low. The main driver for this price change is decreasing wholesale electricity prices due to new supply from renewables now coming online at scale.

Bill Hero for Roost

Bill Hero for Roost

Apartment dwellers tend to use less energy, but you still like to save. Our partnership with Roost means apartment dwellers will save on their Bill Hero subscription fee, plus they'll save on your energy bills too!



Bill Hero is now working with GetReminded to help make sure that all of GetReminded's Australian users are covered when it comes to their energy bills.

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